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[3JL]⋙ PDF Enforcer Redemption Redwood Pack Book 3 edition by Carrie Ann Ryan Paranormal Romance eBooks

Enforcer Redemption Redwood Pack Book 3 edition by Carrie Ann Ryan Paranormal Romance eBooks

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Download PDF Enforcer Redemption Redwood Pack Book 3  edition by Carrie Ann Ryan Paranormal Romance eBooks

Adam Jamenson has suffered through the worst loss known to man. The only reason he lives day-to-day is to ensure the safety of his Pack. As the Enforcer of the Redwood Pack, it is his job to protect all in his path, though he was unable to protect the ones he held dear. The war with the Centrals is heating up and Adam must try and grit through it in order to survive. Though the broken man inside of him may not want to…
Bay Milton is a werewolf with a past. And a secret. She’s met the Redwood’s Enforcer only once, but it left a lasting effect. Now she needs to find him or everything he had thought he lost, may be lost again.
Together, they must struggle and find a way to fight their pasts and present in order to protect their future. But the Centrals have a plan that might make their path one of loss and destruction.

Enforcer Redemption Redwood Pack Book 3 edition by Carrie Ann Ryan Paranormal Romance eBooks

This was an extremely difficult book for me to read. I felt not only did Adam disrespect Bay but so did his entire family with the exception of Maddox. Bay did nothing to deserve their suspicion. She came to the Redwood pack 8 months pregnant....what did they think she was hiding up her shirt?? Why did they have to act like she was a criminal? They happily accepted each of the other mates with little effort from them but Bay was ignored and looked down on for something she had no control over. She saved Adam and Micah with NO help from the mighty Jamenson pack. And she shed her blood to keep the entire pack safe. And I really hated that after 20 YEARS Adam still hasn't moved forward with his life at all, and his entire family acted like that was perfectly acceptable behavior. I have lost people I love and I mourn them to this day but even with the loss that goes right to the morrow of my soul; I have moved on with my life to the best of my ability. Adam broke my heart over and over again with his horrible treatment of Bay. I understand that he loved Anna but his treatment of Bay was unnecessarily harsh, he MATED her so he needed to step up and accept his responsiblities. I actually found myself hating most of the Jamensons' for the way they essentially disregarded Bay, these people are supposed to be all about the importance of "mates" and yet they made no effort to include Bay into their family. She spent most of her time as basically a prisoner under the watchful eye of whichever member of the family was guarding her. Why is it so hard to understand that someone that has spent their whole life alone would be a little afraid and unable to openly share their personal secrets? But Bay so wanted to be accepted that she willingly let them treat her like someone less important just so they would give her and her unborn baby a chance. I don't recall any of the other "Mates" being treated so badly even Josh who was turned into a Demon and Ellie who is the sister of the pack enemy are treated better. I want to like this story but my heart just hurts at how poorly Bay was treated by her "mate" and his family. I will continue to follow this series simply because I did enjoy the past stories and hope that the Redwood pack can redeem themselves with Maddox and North's stories.

Product details

  • File Size 3739 KB
  • Print Length 278 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Carrie Ann Ryan (July 12, 2015)
  • Publication Date July 12, 2015
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B011JL6B9C

Read Enforcer Redemption Redwood Pack Book 3  edition by Carrie Ann Ryan Paranormal Romance eBooks

Tags : Enforcer's Redemption (Redwood Pack Book 3) - Kindle edition by Carrie Ann Ryan. Paranormal Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Carrie Ann Ryan,Enforcer's Redemption (Redwood Pack Book 3),Carrie Ann Ryan,Fiction Fantasy Paranormal,Fiction Romance Paranormal
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Enforcer Redemption Redwood Pack Book 3 edition by Carrie Ann Ryan Paranormal Romance eBooks Reviews

Spoilers *** I had a difficult time with Adam. After helping his brother with a mate in this story Adam treats his mate horribly. He leave Bay repeatedly. The first time when he gets blind drunk and mates her then leaves without a word. She shows up 8 months pregnant and he denies her as a mate and even questions if the child is his after mating her. (In this world only a mate can get you pregnant.) He knows that Bay is his mate but still treats her horribly as he tries to deal with his life and not live in the past with his dead mate and child. There is redemption at the end and it is worked out between Adam and Bay. This book made me hate Adam for a good chunk of the book so for being able to make me feel something I give it 4 stars. Not my favorite in the Redwood series.
I received a reissue of this book in exchange for an honest review. Adam Jamenson is the Enforcer for the Redwood Pack. He suffered a great tragedy when his mate and unborn child were murdered by a rival pack, the Centrals, years ago. He has never moved on with his life and lives in sorrow everyday. His family knows he needs to heal but don't realize how bad he has gotten. He now only lives to protect the pack. Adam is having a hard time seeing his siblings finding their mates and starting families. He leaves the pack needing time to get himself together. While he is away, Adam meets Bay Milton. Bay and Adam spend a night together in which Adam mates Bay. Adam disappears after their night together feeling guilty for what he has done. Bay shows up 8 months pregnant running from something needing Adam's help in protecting their unborn child. Bay is a werewolf with a secret that could destroy her future with Adam and the Redwood Pack. Adam and Bay must learn to trust one another and what they feel for each other. Can Adam move on from his tragic pass to see what his future could be like with Bay and their child? Can they work together to protect the Redwoods from the Centrals? Bay and Adam's story was gut wrenching and sad. Their relationship redemption at the end made the hurt and sadness all worth it in the end. I really loved Enforcer's Redemption. Another great book from Carrie Ann Ryan. Highly recommend!
I absolutely loved this story!! We get to know Adam in the previous books in this series and he just tugs on your heartstrings. He has lost his mate and unborn child in a horrible way and has never really recovered. His family knows it but doesn't know how bad he's gotten and he won't really let them help. He disappeared for awhile a couple months before and was busy. He ended up claiming Bay on a drunken night and then leaving her. She shows up when she needs help at 8 months pregnant. Someone is after her so she heads to the Redwoods. Adam does not take it well. Adam and Bay have so much that they have to overcome and it all stems from their past. Adam does not want to let Anna, his first mate go. Bay has secrets about her heritage that she doesn't know how to share. There are also dealing with the Centrals and their continued breaches. This story was very well done. The characters pull you in right away. Once I started reading, I couldn't put the story down. I had to know how Bay and Adam were going to work things out. They have so much to overcome. There is plenty of action and intrigue in this story as well as internal struggle for Adam and Bay. I loved the pacing of this story and how everything was blended together. The sex is explicit. This is the 4th book in the series and they are interconnected so I do recommend having read the previous books to really enjoy and get the most out of them but Carrie Ann Ryan does a really good job of giving enough information in order to start with any book. You won't know all the intricacies from past books that add to the story but you will know and understand what's going on in it. I can't wait to read the next ones! I love all the Jamensons and can't wait for the rest of them to find their mates.
This was an extremely difficult book for me to read. I felt not only did Adam disrespect Bay but so did his entire family with the exception of Maddox. Bay did nothing to deserve their suspicion. She came to the Redwood pack 8 months pregnant....what did they think she was hiding up her shirt?? Why did they have to act like she was a criminal? They happily accepted each of the other mates with little effort from them but Bay was ignored and looked down on for something she had no control over. She saved Adam and Micah with NO help from the mighty Jamenson pack. And she shed her blood to keep the entire pack safe. And I really hated that after 20 YEARS Adam still hasn't moved forward with his life at all, and his entire family acted like that was perfectly acceptable behavior. I have lost people I love and I mourn them to this day but even with the loss that goes right to the morrow of my soul; I have moved on with my life to the best of my ability. Adam broke my heart over and over again with his horrible treatment of Bay. I understand that he loved Anna but his treatment of Bay was unnecessarily harsh, he MATED her so he needed to step up and accept his responsiblities. I actually found myself hating most of the Jamensons' for the way they essentially disregarded Bay, these people are supposed to be all about the importance of "mates" and yet they made no effort to include Bay into their family. She spent most of her time as basically a prisoner under the watchful eye of whichever member of the family was guarding her. Why is it so hard to understand that someone that has spent their whole life alone would be a little afraid and unable to openly share their personal secrets? But Bay so wanted to be accepted that she willingly let them treat her like someone less important just so they would give her and her unborn baby a chance. I don't recall any of the other "Mates" being treated so badly even Josh who was turned into a Demon and Ellie who is the sister of the pack enemy are treated better. I want to like this story but my heart just hurts at how poorly Bay was treated by her "mate" and his family. I will continue to follow this series simply because I did enjoy the past stories and hope that the Redwood pack can redeem themselves with Maddox and North's stories.
Ebook PDF Enforcer Redemption Redwood Pack Book 3  edition by Carrie Ann Ryan Paranormal Romance eBooks

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