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[OZU]≫ Read Free The Space Between Tribes of the Hakahei Book 1 eBook Scott J Robinson

The Space Between Tribes of the Hakahei Book 1 eBook Scott J Robinson

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Download PDF  The Space Between Tribes of the Hakahei Book 1 eBook Scott J Robinson

***If you are thinking of buying this book, or reading it through KDP Select, I suggest you try "Songs of Space and Time." It is an updated version which (basically, but not exactly) includes "The Space Between" and "Singing Other Worlds" for the price of one book. And it has a prettier cover.***

Aliens. They always attack when you least expect it. Although if we knew our history we would've expected these ones. But the truth about human history has been long forgotten, dismissed as mere myth and legend.

Not that Kim McLean really cares about the details. All she knows is that one minute she was wondering what a medieval hot dog might have been filled with, and the next she was beating aliens over the head with a mace. Now it's up to her alone to end this war. Well, just her, an elf, a crazy dwarf and a Wonderbra.

The Space Between is the first volume in a 4 book series (all of which are available). It draws on myths and legends of ancient Earth, weaving a tale that moves from Sherwood Forest to distant worlds and outer space. It involves, amongst other things, magical gateways, Area 51, Sherwood Forest, sentient spacecraft, a 50 thousand year old intergalactic war, Machu Picchu and strong coffee.

The Space Between Tribes of the Hakahei Book 1 eBook Scott J Robinson

Slow getting started, this book finally got interesting about halfway through. During the first half, I especially liked the male characters, the females being okay but not drawing me in. Great action once they all come together, although the Americans' reasons for confining them never made sense. The characters understanding the reasons made even less sense. Them figuring out how to fly the ships dragged on too long and the aliens' reasons for attacking are paper thin. Then we get another even worse alien who attacks one and all apparently for no reason whatever, and the book ends. I might have bought the next book if this one had a satisfying ending, but feel cheated with the unexpected cliffhanger. Scott Robinson, no thanks.

Product details

  • File Size 2618 KB
  • Print Length 298 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date January 7, 2014
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B00744AMGC

Read  The Space Between Tribes of the Hakahei Book 1 eBook Scott J Robinson

Tags : The Space Between (Tribes of the Hakahei Book 1) - Kindle edition by Scott J. Robinson. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Space Between (Tribes of the Hakahei Book 1).,ebook,Scott J. Robinson,The Space Between (Tribes of the Hakahei Book 1),Fiction Science Fiction Alien Contact,Fiction Science Fiction Space Opera
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The Space Between Tribes of the Hakahei Book 1 eBook Scott J Robinson Reviews

I was surprised by this book, I didn't think I would like it because of the mythology and magic components, not my normal style of Sci-Fi. But it was well written, good plot that flowed along that kept you involved. It was a light and easy entertaining read.
Well written; but the plot isn't compelling. As for the characters, they're reasonably well drawn, but incomplete, as if the author forgot to fill in between the outlines.
The 'strong central character' isn't, and that's the main problem.
It's worth reading, but the best rating I can assign is B -. Cautiously recommended.
This book is an excellent transition between fantasy and sci-fi, making good use of the characteristics of both. From a human at a Renaissance Fair to a dwarf, elf, huge maori, to a totally alien looking creature, the pace is well timed, starting slow, getting your feet wet with terms and expressions, settings, and whatnot, to mad dashing between planets, this is a very well written novel that leaves you wanting much more. Thumbs up!
I liked this book a lot and might get the next one; however, I might not. The book was unfinished. The reader is left hanging in the middle of a great battle scene. This book could have finished well. I would have immediately bought the next book if it had. Now, I will think on it a while before spending my money. All it needed to be a good book was the end.
I found this work a truly brilliant combination of SciFi and fantasy. It's imaginative, funny, action packed, contains levels of complexity that are rare in the genre, and is much more believable than the fantasy I've been reading lately. The author weaves words together beautifully, and the worlds he creates are fascinating. There is a poetry in the way he strings words together and in the way he describes cultures through the eyes of his characters.

There are a few typos sprinkled within, but the book is currently undergoing editing by outside editors at the moment, and it actually has many fewer typos than are the norm in self-pub books even before the editing. The biggest weakness, in my opinion, is that only some of the issues are resolved by the end of the first book, but that is to be expected in a 4-book series and in the epic fantasy genre, especially.

I haven't enjoyed a fantasy book this much in a very long time. I hope to find the next books in the series as well crafted as the first.
The Space Between is the first novel by Scott J. Robinson. This is a well-written cross-genre (though mainly a mixture of fantasy and science fiction) story about Kim, who has to try and save the human race and stop a space war with an alien civilization.
Robinson has combined elements of fantasy, science fiction, mystery, thriller, and a bit of humor into a story that weaves in human myths and legends—ancient and modern—with a large dose of a fertile imagination. Some of the science is a bit hard to swallow, but then, good fantasy will always stretch a reader’s ability to suspend disbelief.
Great dialogue and an almost believable description of the multiverse in which Kim finds herself. If this first book is anything to go by, the subsequent offerings in this series will definitely be worth reading.
This rousing and entertaining adventure begins at a renaissance fair and it ends in space. (Although as the first of a series, the ending remains inconclusive.) Ancient spaceships, snobby elves, a confused dwarf, weird aliens, and portals to strange and distant worlds are all rolled into a coherent story that's just a bit more sci-fi than fantasy. It's lighthearted and not overly 'serious' sci-fi. After all, in addition to elves, it makes a brief nod to Area 51 and Roswell. But it's different. It's fun. I like it.

The world building and pacing are excellent, the prose and dialogue are good, the characters aren't too unbelievable, and the editing, well…. I noticed about a dozen typos in the edition that I read. There weren't enough to detract from enjoying the story, and since this is a DIY published novel, I expect they'll be corrected in later editions. Indie authors tend to be quite conscientious about such things.

I can recommend this one to all readers of light speculative fiction looking for something with a little meat to it. Of the new books I've read recently (both indie and traditionally published), I'd have to judge this one among the most enjoyable. There is a lot of potential here.

Full Disclosure I received a free digital edition of this book during an open promotion on . I haven't read the other books in the series, although I may at some point.
Slow getting started, this book finally got interesting about halfway through. During the first half, I especially liked the male characters, the females being okay but not drawing me in. Great action once they all come together, although the Americans' reasons for confining them never made sense. The characters understanding the reasons made even less sense. Them figuring out how to fly the ships dragged on too long and the aliens' reasons for attacking are paper thin. Then we get another even worse alien who attacks one and all apparently for no reason whatever, and the book ends. I might have bought the next book if this one had a satisfying ending, but feel cheated with the unexpected cliffhanger. Scott Robinson, no thanks.
Ebook PDF  The Space Between Tribes of the Hakahei Book 1 eBook Scott J Robinson

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